Tuesday 15 October 2013

Flickr :-) Task 1d

Task 1d - Flickr

I just set up my Flickr account! Take a look :-)

I hadn't heard of Flickr before I started this course so I have just read about it and realised it basically does the same job as Instagram! Didn't take me too long and of course I could of gone on for days uploading picture after picture but just thought I would upload a few of my fave memories from college!

The importance of Images play a huge part today in social media. When it comes to grabbing attention online images are just as important as headlines. As Heather mentioned in her blog 'A picture speaks a thousand words' which we must of all heard before!
When I think of images I automatically think of photographs but images can include: Drawings, charts, postcards and even text when designed as an image.

I recently read this article written by Robyn Fizz which states the 3 main responses viewers will have when an image is posted on a social media site.

Effective images evoke responses from viewers. That's the goal. There are three types of responses:

  • Emotional: Images can elicit any of a range of feelings, from awe to amusement to sadness. The emotion doesn't have to be positive to create a connection.
  • Mental: An image can make its mark by challenging, instructing or informing.
  • Social: People tuned in to trends and memes, who have a pop-culture awareness, may respond to images that play on that awareness. Social responses can also be cultural: an image that speaks to a Finnish audience won't necessarily resonate with Fijians.

I found these points very interesting and believe that we use all 3 responses at some point when looking at images without even realising it.

The internet is becoming one big picture book; can you remember we didn't have cover pictures on Facebook?  It was only within the last few years Facebook started placing more importance on pictures. Images play a huge part in today's society, where many of us have the advantage of web 2.0 and use social media sites like Facebook and twitter to post pictures of ourselves, friends and family and our happenings of events, which made me question why do we do this? There are a lot of reasons behind posting images on social media sites, it could be that you want to advertise your business, create memories with a quick and simple way to look back on, to show friends and family what you have been up to or simply for the attention.

Images on social media sites are becoming a huge source of advertisement for businesses. Using the correct images to inspire potential customers is very important alongside having a healthy balance with 'fun' images and 'business' images.

Whole Foods Market posts representative photos to promote healthy, wholesome food products, store events, sustainability and their active community of customers and employees.

Whole foods attract their target market with images that share a compelling and inspiring story. With a massive 118,028 followers I would expect  'whole foods' pay huge attention to what images they post on social media sites to keep their company forever growing.

Images play a huge role in the performing arts industry, employers would prefer to see a head shot or professional photograph of you before attending an audition or casting as they have a breakdown and know what they are after, if you simply don't fit the bill there isn't much point in auditioning as it becomes time wasting for you and the employer. This proves that performers need to make sure they have the best possible photograph that not only captures their 'image' but also shows their personality. Having the right photograph can be a huge advantage for a performer. Having a professional network on a social media site with the right images can be a huge advantage for a performer to be recognised by an employer.

Anyway hope you like my Flickr account, it brought back some very happy memories!! :)



  1. Hey Melanie,

    Lovely to see your pictures :) I totally agree with you about not knowing about Flickr! I'm more of a Instagram girl. I did question if I wanted to transfer my pictures from Instagram to Flickr but then I decided my flickr account can be my professional side (if you read and have a look on my blog post about Flickr you'll see what I questioned and why)

    Did you question what u wanted to upload and the way it will benefit your learning with BAPP?

    I love your phrase "the internet is coming one big picture book" I think this rounds up websites such as Instagram & Flickr. I actually prefer looking at pictures of people's day to day life rather than reading statuses.

    I have to sayi don't remember what Facebook had no picture?! When was this?... Pictures are a way of sharing and connecting your enjoyments in life.

    My Instagram is all about food & my animals! The two loves of my life haha.

    Feel free to add my Instagram as it's different to my Flickr account

    BETHBULLMAN - my Instagram name.

    Thanks for a great read!


  2. Hi Bethany,

    I actually haven't got instagram! That's the one I haven't jumped on the bandwagon for and the reason being I spend far too much time on facebook, twitter ECT! I thought to myself I would become obsessed looking at other people's lives, I would start following celebrities and then become too wrapped up in what their up to instead of focusing on my life and me! My sister is constantly on it looking at celebrities bodies and the latest places they are eating and drinking and comparing herself and I think some people can become wrapped up and feel they need to live up to this 'certain lifestyle'. I only know this because a lot of my friends are obsessed!

    I do think it’s amazing and how you can edit your pictures and share with the world! I think its great yours is about the two loves of your life because it shows your happiness and I bet you follow people who have the same interest in food and animals as you?

    When I said about facebook having no picture I meant years ago there was no cover picture just profile pictures and all the other pictures we post! But then cover pictures were introduced at the top? Can you remember now?

    Also that is an interesting question as I didn’t really question myself on how it will benefit my learning. Come to think about it I don't actually think the photographs being posted will benefit me in any way but I feel I gained benefits from learning how to create a flickr account and how it works! Posting the photographs only brought back memories to me of the good times at college. I think I am going to have a think of how posting different photographs on flickr could benefit my learning now you have said it!

    I am going to have a look at your post now about why you questioned transferring your instagram to flickr.

    I really enjoy reading your posts; they are detailed with a lot of thought behind them!

    Speak soon,

    Mel :)

  3. Hi Bethany
    Great photos. You look very happy and I'm sure you'll cherish them for a lifetime.

    It is strange to think how pictures; paintings or photos etc can get so many varieties of responses. I've tried to add images to my posts now as they do, as Heather said 'speak a thousand words.'

    Great post!
    Kimberley xxx
