Sunday, 23 March 2014

5d - Ethical Dimensions For Proposed Inquiry

My proposed inquiry is to further research:
‘’What are the different strategies dance teachers use to create motivation?’’
I will be looking at these sub questions when I interview a wide range of dance teachers:
-          - What do teachers do to motivate their students?
-          Where does the insight lay?
Teachers have the insight in what it is they do to motivate children
-          What other strategies do you use and to what extent do they work?

I will also want to find out how teachers respond to the theoretical strategies I have reviewed in my literature on motivating students.

I aim to start my research by observing different dance classes of different ages/standards and gender and find out what strategies I see teachers using to create motivation in the dance class. I want to observe carefully how children respond to these strategies and what effect it has on them as an individual but also as a group. I aim to also look at research that has already been conducted on motivational strategies. For example re-visit and re-evaluate my literature reviews and understand carefully how these strategies can be implemented into a dance class setting and how other teachers are applying these theoretical strategies into their classes.

In order to carry out my inquiry I will need access to students and teachers. I will be using children from primary schools, secondary schools, dance schools and dance colleges. This will mean the age and standards of these dancers will vary. I will be observing classes of children who dance as a hobby to dancers who aim to become professional dancers. It will be interesting to see how the teacher alters the strategies to create motivation when considering age and standards. I will also be communicating and carrying out interviews with a lot of different teachers with different background experience and knowledge. I feel I have a large network of professionals in this industry that will help me carry out the inquiry. I am aware that as a researcher I am going to have to consider many ethical considerations but also bear in mind that the supervisor will hold the ultimate responsibility for ethical practice and I will have to gain approval making sure there is no risk to myself (the researcher) but also the participants.

A guideline was given in reader 5 suggesting responsibilities researchers should have. I have responsibility to be ethical and honest when carrying out my inquiry and will ensure I follow BERA’S ethical guidelines for educational research.

‘’In our view the first responsibility of the researcher is to pursue worthwhile inquiry as effectively as possible. But what this means can vary sharply, given the considerable diversity in approach within educational research today, and especially given differences in what it’s goal should be.’’ (BERA page 5 Ethics and Educational research)

There are 5 principles given as a guideline which I am going to consider when carrying out my research.
1) Minimising harm
2) Respecting Autonomy
3) Protecting privacy
4) Offering reciprocity
5) Treating people equitably

How am I going to consider these guidelines within my practice when carrying out research?

Following these principles when carrying out my inquiry will be crucial however whilst researching about ethics I came across the C.D.E.T (Council for dance education training) code of conduct which I feel gave me a more clear guideline of how I need to consider ethics when carrying out my inquiry based on dance in a school setting.

 As a researcher I will have the following responsibilities in conducting out my inquiry:
-          I will propose my inquiry making sure it is ethical and legal. I will gain support from my employer and make sure she has a full understanding of my inquiry.
-          I will follow the ethical guidelines for educational research related to me. These ethics are stated on BERA’s ethical guidelines.
-          I will ensure I am honest and respectful to research participants, informing them the purpose of the inquiry and making sure I have consent from them to go ahead with my inquiry by using the consent forms provided by Middlesex University.
-          Data collected will be accurate, relevant and valid. I will ensure the data I collect will be protected and not accessible to others. Data will be stored on my private pen drive for purposes of confidentiality.
-          I will choose the most appropriate methods of data collection to complete a piece of research.
-          Data will be safely disposed after use.
-          I will act in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations in regards to my inquiry to ensure safeguarding.
-          I aim to carry out interviews with professionals. My interviews will be open and honest allowing participants to be open with their opinions. I will use open questions rather than leading questions.
-          I will respect decisions of participants.
-          I will ensure participants are confident that all answers will be confidential.
-          I will provide feedback of my results to the participants and what I intend to do with the results, whether I choose to publish them or not.
-          I will provide accurate, truthful and complete reports ensuring that the work is available for critical review.

Working with this ethics checklist will allow me to thoroughly plan my research and carry out my inquiry in professional, suitable manner. My duty as the researcher will be to present findings as accurately as possible. I will have to ensure that all data collected should represent the views and attitudes of the participants and not necessarily my own views.

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