Tuesday 17 December 2013

Task 3D - Critical questions and issues that emerge

I have noticed that my networking and sources all link together. Without one source, the other wouldn’t function effectively, for example my social media network wouldn’t work without the use of web 2.0. I didn’t realise there where so many theories relating to networks to begin with however after reading reader 3 and looking into more detail at the theories and what people had to say about them is helping me to utilise these concepts to engage professionally within networking. Networks I am most drawn to are networks that allow me to gain knowledge and advice that support and point me in the right direction to my future practice allowing me to further develop my teaching experience and skills. Networking via communication is one of my most vital sources within my practice whilst networking via social media I have to be a lot more aware of the ethical considerations following school policies although I can network and connect with fiends in the same industry via social media. I believe teachers in the same professional area of work share similar concerns when it comes to taking ethical considerations into account whilst using social media as Bethany Bullman also states ‘I am still apprehensive about the fact social networking such as web 2.0 are very limiting due to the educational practice I am involved in. Taking in ethical considerations and going by school policies’. See http://melaniecannon.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/task-2d-inquiry.html (question 5) where I talk in more detail on how to decide the appropriate ethical response in given situations.
During this module sharing ideas and communicating has engaged me to open up to new ideas and new ways of thinking becoming more positively influenced allowing me to communicate and develop further ideas. Having these sources of information around me has empowered me to critically reflect on my own practice and the practice of others giving me the opportunity to engage with different views and opinions all of which provide a sense of purpose and value. Critical reflection has provided me with new approaches to take helping me to be aware of finding what is missing and becoming more open to continue to learn and develop. ‘Understanding what you don’t know is important as it is the first stage of learning, seeing something is missing makes you open to finding’. Task 2b – Journal writing experience: http://melaniecannon.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/journal-writing-experience.html  enabled me to engage with different methods of reflection allowing me to realise that all methods don’t have the same effect; some are more beneficial than others. Relating the concepts and theories to my professional network has given me clear understanding on how I rely on certain networks and how important they are within my current practice learning what approaches to take. I realise I could improve my networks by becoming a part of bigger networks that would allow me to broaden my knowledge and connect deeper with different people.
I feel as though everything I have looked into and developed within this module has formed some sort of synergy and when I look back and relate to my concepts , all tasks fall into place and relate to one another giving me sufficient knowledge and information to move forward in the right direction with a sense of purpose.

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